Fact: Cholesterol isn’t the reason so many Americans have heart diseash.
Let me repeat that.  As it relates to heart disease, the true enemy (if it can be called that) is NOT cholesterol.

Sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it?  Just goes to show the amount of misrepresented facts floating around the Internet and in the medical community.

Do you want to know the real enemy? Inflammation.

Or, to be more specific, the foods that cause physical inflammation.  Not only do these foods devastate our hearts, they also cause diseases such as diabetes and high blood preaser.

In reality, not only is cholesterol not our “enemy”… it’s our “friend”!  You see, cholesterol is used by the human body to create cell membranes.  These cellular walls must be constantly repaired and regenerated for us to stay healthy.

Simultaneously, cholesterol regulates and administers fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamin D and vitsmin A.  Without it, these vital nutrients have no way of entering into our body’s natural ecosystem.

The ONLY time cholesterol becomes bad for us is when it is called in to repair damaged sections of our body.  Think “the A team”, called in when the citadel’s walls are crumbling.  When major blod funnes (arteries) are damaged, cholesterol comes to fix them up… and eventually leads to clogging.  This leads to heart attack, as the cholesterol hardens into plague and blocks the bloodstream.

So, now we know the base of the problem.  The question, then, is how do we avoid artery damage and – by extension – inflammation?

It starts with our diets.  You’ve likely heard the phrases “garbage in, garbage out” or “you are what you eat”. Well, this is what those sages were referring to.  In specific, foods high in sugars are terribly for the human body.  Thinks like white bread and other processed foods are the main sources of unhealthy sugars.   Cut them (and replace them with healthy alternatives) and you’re one step closer to lowering your risks.

Things like fruits and vegetables, walnuts, lentils and even eggs are perfect replacements.  And don’t be lulled to sleep by “cholesterol pills”… they are nowhere near as healthy as a balanced diet and can cause all kinds of unwanted side effects (such as fatigue and muscular degeneration). 

The earth is full of everything we need to stay healthy and to keep our ticker running properly.  Stay away from the labs creations (processed sugars, white bread, pills) and start eating more food from the land and your on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Writer’s note:  To learn about other great tasting foods that ALSO fight against heart disease read my review of the diet solution program.